
The weekend events are an invitation to directly experience the peace and freedom that is always present, when we are willing to be really honest with ourselves that the cause of our suffering is not the circumstances that life presents, but rather the story we tell ourselves about what happened.

Using The Work created by Byron Katie, we inquire into the stories we tell ourselves about life, relationships and the world and discovering what we think is happening is often not the reality at all! With this miraculous and simple tool, it is gently and often astoundingly revealed that hidden within our most painful criticisms about life, others and ourselves, are the very seeds of our liberation, our own unique recipe for happiness.

Whenever we experience a stressful feeling — anything from mild discomfort to intense sorrow, rage, or despair — we can be certain that there is a specific thought that we have attached to, whether or not we are conscious of it. The way to end our stress is to investigate the thinking that lies behind it, and anyone can do this for himself with a piece of paper and a pen. The Work’s four simple questions, and the turnarounds, reveal where our thinking isn’t true for us.

During our time together, we will be doing The Work individually, in pairs and in an intimate group that creates the space for compassion, humour and our own unique wisdom to emerge in the face of our challenging life circumstances. Each participant works at their own pace, engaging with what is relevant in their lives, at the depth that is true for them. The only confrontation is with yourself and your thinking and The Work is yours to take into your life to use whenever you choose.

Workshops are usually 2 day events, though a single day can be of great benefit. We can work with specific themes; e.g. relationship, parenting, work, money and can be created to suit a particular need in the workplace or family.

Nirado has worked with those who  provide care in shelters for ‘survivors’ of domestic abuse, within the community services sector and is currently offering The Work with parents and children.

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